Template tags

{% crispy %}

The django-crispy-forms templatetag {% crispy %} is still used to render the form since the template pack is simply a plugin.

{% load crispy_forms_tags %}
{% crispy form %}

{% error_summary %}

The Design System mandates that a summary of all the errors that occurred be displayed at the top of the page, above the page heading. That is generally outside the scope of the form. You could use the HTML layout classes to make the page heading part of the form but that’s somewhat ugly. Instead there is a templatetag, {% error_summary %} that you can use to place the list of errors exactly where you need it

{% load crispy_forms_tags crispy_forms_gds %}
{% error_summary form %}
{% crispy form %}

If you choose not to display an error summary then you will need to set the show_non_field_errors on your FormHelper to True (the default is False) in order to get non-field errors to be displayed, in the typical location, at the top of your form:

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(DateInputForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.helper = FormHelper(self)
    self.helper.show_non_field_errors = True

{% crispy_gds_field %}

This is a reimplementation of the {% crispy_forms_field %} template tag from django-crispy-forms. The Design System requires that errors contain references to fields for accessibility reasons. That is not so easy to do using Django’s template language so this template tag also handles the setting of error CSS classes and updating of aria attributes when a form field is rendered.

{% load crispy_forms_gds %}
{% crispy_gds_field field attrs %}

Template tag that returns the HTML needed to display a URL as a Back link component.


{% load crispy_forms_gds %}
{% url "home" as home_url %}
{% back_link home_url %}
  • url (str) – the URL for the link.

  • title (str, optional) – the title if the default “Back” is not suitable.

Template tag that returns the HTML needed to display a link as a Button component.


{% load crispy_forms_gds %}
{% button_link url title %}
  • url (str) – the URL for the link.

  • title (str) – the title of the button.

crispy_forms_gds.templatetags.crispy_forms_gds.button_start(url, title)

Template tag that returns the HTML needed to display a Start button.


{% load crispy_forms_gds %}
{% button_start url title %}
  • url (str) – the URL for the link.

  • title (str) – the title of the button.


Inclusion tag that renders the HTML needed to display Breadcrumbs component.


{% load crispy_forms_gds %}
{% breadcrumbs crumbs %}

crumbs – a list of 2-tuples. The tuple is made up of the link title followed by the link URL.